Showdown at the Farmer’s Market

Winter-farmers-Market-in-worthingtonDoc and I like to go to the farmer’s market after work sometimes. I like the market because the vendors give me treats, kids pet and hug me and cute dogs show up with their humans. Doc just goes to buy produce.

We were standing in line to pay for some lettuce when I saw a good-looking Beagle out of the corner of my eye. I let out a high-pitched bark to get her attention and let her know I wanted to play. Suddenly, two ladies swung around, looked at Doc and said in a judgemental tone, ” I thought he was a therapy dog, he’s not suppose to bark.” I could feel Doc’s energy change immediately. I swear, I thought her head was going to blow off, but she kept her cool. Then she looked the women straight in the eyes and said ” He’s not at work, do you act the same at home as you do at work?” The ladies got the message. I looked up at  Doc and thought how about how thankful I am that she stands up for me and my right to just be a dog.

Some of you humans should learn to chill, you can act so uptight sometimes.

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