Grover was born on July 22, 2012 on a farm in Ohio and is a first generation Labradoodle. He is a registered therapy dog and spends his days comforting patients and staff at CompDrug, a treatment center for addiction and mental health. Grover also visits cancer patients on a regular basis at the Zangmeister Cancer Center. His hobbies include; chasing birds and frisbee’s, napping and playing keep away at the dog park. His favorite food is peanut butter, but he is also fond of eating tissues out of the trash when he thinks no one is looking.
Doc has a PhD. in clinical psychology and has been working in the field of addiction and mental health for over thirty years. Doc is also certified by EAGALA in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, believing that animal assisted therapy promotes emotional growth and learning. Her hobbies include; any adventure that includes the outdoors, family, friends and animals. Grover and Doc live in the burbs outside of Columbus.
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