Come and Sit for Awhile

Photo by Angela Kirk

As the days become shorter and we move into fall, there is nothing better than sitting on the back porch with a cold bowl of water and my favorite human. The evening is my favorite time. Having finished work and our chores for the day we can just relax and put the daily grind behind us.

There is something quite magical that happens at dusk. It’s as if the world is winding down for it’s nightly slumber. The sounds of the children’s voices in the distance as they are getting in their last game of basketball as the street lights come on combined with the katydids singing always eases my mind. During this tough time we are all going through it helps me to feel like there is still a sense of normalcy in my little corner of the world.

Last night Doc told me that from the time she was a little girl she remembers sitting on the porch almost every evening with her father during the summer. She said they didn’t really talk about much, but to this day she remembers watching the sun set behind the barn and listening for the whistle of the train as it passed the crossing a mile from their house. I guess it’s those rituals that bring comfort to our lives.

So before it starts getting too cold, get your lawn chair and your favorite person or dog and spend an evening outside.

” This evening is as brief as the twinkling of an eye yet such twinkling is what eternity is made of.” Fred Rogers

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