Happy Fifth Birthday Grover!

DSC_4551Every year on my birthday Doc gives me the day off from writing my blog and she is nice enough to do it for me. This year she wrote me this sweet letter that I would like to share with you.


Dear Grover,

With each day and year that has passed, I continue to be amazed at the many gifts you have brought into my life. My intention from the first day I brought you home from the farm as a 9 week old puppy was to raise you to be the best therapy dog ever. I knew I was only human and needed the help of a dog that loves unconditionally to help me reach the people that cross my path. You have succeeded my expectations. You easily draw people in and put them at ease with your sweet and goofy nature and your willingness to comfort anyone that needs you.

Sometimes that includes me. I didn’t expect that because I am suppose to be the healer, but you have reminded me that sometimes I need healing as well.  You have stayed next to me and watched over me during illness, family tragedy or when I was just having a bad day. Luckily most of the days have been good and I find great joy in the many life adventures we share together. Life is never boring when you are around.

I think people are so drawn to dogs like you because not only do you love unconditionally, but you remind us that life is really more simple than we make it. When you bring us into your world of living in the moment, you reconnect our souls with what really counts in life.

So thank you Dear Grover, for all that you bring into our lives. Have the happiest fifth birthday ever!




4 thoughts on “Happy Fifth Birthday Grover!”

  1. Grover, how lucky you are !!! Not everyone has someone who loves them as much as the doc loves you never take that kind of love for granted. connie

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