It’s Frog Friday!

FullSizeRender-18Luckily my life is rarely boring, in part because Doc can always come up with some hair-brain idea to keep us busy. I have to admit that we go on some very interesting adventures together. This week Doc told me to get in the car because we were going to the wetland park for Frog Friday. I didn’t even resist. I like parks and I like frogs, so off we went.

When we arrived, I saw that it was sponsored by the Mad Scientist Associates and was worried they may be turning frogs in to princes or that they were messing with their DNA and creating big killer frogs. Seeing my concern Doc looked at me like I had lost my marbles and told me to get out of the car. I soon saw families with kids and some other dogs, so I figured it must be safe.

One of the scientists talked about how active the frogs are at this time of year as they emerge from their winter hideouts and make their way to the wetland pools. He then encouraged us to get out our flashlights and begin our hot pursuit of the amphibians. Those slimy little suckers were plentiful, but fast. I have webbed feet, but Doc had a harder time not slipping and falling on her keaster. We all laughed and had fun as we searched.

After about an hour, we were done and ready to go home. There is only so much quality time you can spend with frogs before it becomes mundane. When Doc told me it was time to leave, I picked up the squirming bag of frogs that I had caught and carried it between my teeth and headed toward the car. “Grover, what are you are doing with that bag of frogs?” she asked with a look of horror on her face. “Well aren’t we having frog legs for dinner?” I asked. “Heavens no, she said, what ever gave you that idea? Now go put those frogs back in the pond.” Reluctantly, I did what I was told.

Go figure, just when I was feeling all proud of catching our dinner, my dreams were smashed to pieces. I guess another night of dog food never hurt anyone, but I bet those frog legs would have been tasty.


2 thoughts on “It’s Frog Friday!”

  1. I’m really happy that Y’all had a Awesome time”!!! I believe that doc don’t really like playing with the ‘s , But I know you just love playing with them”!!!? Maybe next year I will be able to attend the festivities”!!? Lol God bless you always My Friend”!! Tell doc that I said hello and That I’ll talk to her soon”!!? Shalom

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