The Neighborhood

If you are as blessed as I am, you are lucky enough to live in a place with nice neighbors. Since the weather became warmer, everyone is outside, either sitting on their porches or working in the yard. But of course, watching the children play, is my favorite past time.

Just the other evening after the rain moved out, an impromptu game of volleyball broke out in the yard in back of my house, and I had a birds eye view. It was nice to see the big kids let the little ones play, and other than the net falling down through out the game, all of them were laughing and having a great time. The best part for me, was when the ball rolled over to our fence. Who ever retrieved the ball, would lean over and pat me on the head. I feel protective of the children, as I have known most of them since they were born and I do my best to watch over them.

As Doc and I were watching the volleyball game, Doc remarked that there is truly something magical about summer and children. They are out of school and have the freedom to just be kids. Doc says she likes watching them play just as much as I do, because it always reminds her of her own childhood summers. ” I always felt like summer break would last forever and that I didn’t have a care in the world, I miss that feeling.” she said.

After thinking about what Doc had said, I reminded her that even thought she has adult responsibilities, she can still take some time to sit on the porch, slow down and do nothing just for a little while. That, I think, is the best thing to heal your weary soul after a long hard day of work.

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