Left Behind, But Not Forgotten

Guess who got left behind in the snow and cold, while Doc went to sunny Florida for a week? I could play the sympathy card, telling you that I stayed in in my kennel at the vet’s office and cried the entire time, but it wouldn’t be true and Doc taught me not to lie. The fact is, I got excellent care, lots of attention and it’s kind of interesting to go and stay somewhere else for a while.

It’s important to learn how to be away from the environment and the people you are use to everyday. I have leaned that being in a new situation builds confidence, you can make some new friends and know that Doc will eventually show up to take me home. As a result, I am no longer afraid to be away from Doc any more.

Late last Friday, I was getting some love from the veterinary staff when a vet tech told me Doc had showed up to take me home. We hadn’t seen each other in eight days, so I was excited to see her. When we finally got home, I was so happy, that I gave her kisses to every exposed part of her body and snuggled up next to her. Of course we were both exhausted from our adventures, so we went to bed early. It felt comforting to be cured up in bed next to Doc again. I guess it’s true what they say, there’s no place like home.

When Tuesday morning rolled around, we went back to work. I was so excited to see all my co-workers and patient’s that I waited right by the back door as soon as I was done with my breakfast. It was so nice to be greeted by everyone like they missed us and even Bob, our building manager brought me a big MilkBone. I feel so lucky to be able to do a job that I love and to have so many people in my life that care about me. Both Doc and I have so much to be grateful for.


Rebuilding Your Life When You Feel Broken


Oh My Love is Like a Red, Red, Rose