Rebuilding Your Life When You Feel Broken

When patient’s come to see Doc and I in the beginning of their recovery, they can feel so broken from all they have been through, that the job of putting the pieces back together can feel overwhelming. The flood of emotions that were previously self-medicated by drugs, alcohol and denial are now flooding their brains. This is where Doc and I come in, helping the patient to see that feeling broken, just means that you now have the opportunity to put yourself back together in a different and healthier way.

It takes courage to walk through the doors of our treatment center, feeling so shattered that you are willing to ask strangers to help you, trusting that you will find guidance in making yourself whole again. Doc always says that it’s your choice. You get to decide who you will become, you can stay shattered, Letting the past define you, or you can go forward toward growth.

The truth is, all of us have times in our lives that can leave us feeling vulnerable, broken and afraid. That is part of our journey while we are here on earth. We make mistakes, feel lost, experience grief and can be hurt by those we thought we could trust. Sometimes the emotional pain can literally bring us to our knees. During these times, trust that what has happened , though painful, will help you to redefine what it means to be strong and resilient.

That is what I have learned in my 12 year old dog life. Trust that whatever you are going through will pass, and that the cracks you feel in your foundation are really just places where the light can come in and eventually guide you back to finding joy and a better life.


Left Behind, But Not Forgotten