Bidding my Caretakers Adieu

Well, Doc had the nerve to go to Florida without me again, but left me in the capable hands of the staff at my veterinarians office. For 10 days while Doc was hanging out by the ocean, lying in the sun and watching the dolphins and manatees, I was being pampered, like a pooch of my celebrity status should be.

While Doc was gone the staff gave me a pedicure and daily massages, brushed out my coat, rubbed my ears and played with me in the big yard in back of the office. The only thing I didn’t like was that one of my favorite vet techs brought her dog to work and had the nerve to pay attention to it. I just whined and cried until she finally came over and spent equal time with me. She said I was acting jealous. Can you imagine? I just wanted some attention too.

I have to say it was kind of weird not going to work, but Doc says that’s what vacation is for, to vacate. It’s really important just to take some “me time” away from the job whether you are man or beast. It was nice to sleep in everyday.

The time went by so fast the I could hardly believe it when on Monday afternoon they told me that Doc was there to pick me up. As they brought me into the main office from the kennel, I was surprised how many of the staff was there to say good by. They all told me how much they would miss me and patted and hugged me on the way out. I never though much about it, but the people that take care of all the animals get stressed and need a good therapy dog around too. I hope I cheered them up while I was there.

After my farewell’s to the staff, I went around the corner and I saw Doc waiting for me. At first I didn’t look at her. The thing is, I didn’t want her to know that I had a good time as I thought she should feel at least a little guilty for leaving me behind. But she looked so happy to see me I just couldn’t help but wag my tail and go right up to her.

Soon we were home and after supper it was getting late, so we climbed in bed to watch some tv. Both Doc and I fell asleep we were both so worn out from our adventures. It’s often nice to go away, but like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz said, ” There is no place like home.” No truer words were ever spoken.

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