Honoring Mother’s

Moms come in all shapes, sizes and species and this Sunday we honor them all.  Thank heavens for mothers because lets face it, they really do steer the ship and make sure we don’t do things that could get us killed while we are growing up. I can’t count the times Doc stepped in to intervene when I was about to make possible death defying decisions. When I was younger I sometimes thought she was a nervous dog mother, but now I know she was just watching out for me. So with Mothers Day coming up I was certainly surprised by her response when I asked her what she wanted to do on her special day.

” If I could have the perfect Mother’s Day I would trade places with you Grover” she said.  Surprised I asked her what she meant by that.  “Think about it Grover, you have quite the life. For starters, everyone you meet loves you. Just for one day I would like to be you, lying on the couch, having my belly scratched and someone bringing me treats just because I am cute. Not a care in the world with all my needs taken care of. No bills to pay, no house work,  just living my best life in whatever way I choose. You don’t even have to pick up your own poop, even I do that!” she said emphatically.

I have to say startled didn’t even describe my reaction. ” Well that makes me sound like a lazy bum.” I responded.  ” No, you are living your life the way you are suppose to. I guess there are some days I am just envious and wonder what it would be like to be you for a day” she said. Poor Doc, does she really think my life is so easy that she has been harboring jealousy all along?  So I thought the best thing I could do is to give her exactly what she wants on her special day so she understands my life isn’t as rosy as she thinks.

Excited about what I had come up with, I wrote down a schedule of everything I had planned for her and showed it to her wondering how she would react. ” Ok Doc, at 7am I will let you out in the back yard so you can use the bathroom and then you can come in and have some dog food out of my bowl on the floor. Remember you only get one cup because we have to keep your weight down. Since it’ s Sunday I will take you for a long walk, but no sniffing along the way because we are on a strict time schedule today. At about 11am it’s time for your bath and I will hose you down and shampoo your hair in the driveway for all the neighbors to see. After your bath you can take a nap but you have to stay out on the porch in the sun because you are too wet to come in the house. Later in the day I will toss you a couple Milk Bones for a snack. How does that sound so far?” I asked with enthusiasm.

She was silent before she responded and then she said. “That is not what I expected, I had never really looked at your life from your point of view. I thought that your grass looked greener, but maybe I just need to be grateful and water and nourish the grass I already have.”  ” Well, I said with a smile, if you don’t want to be treated like a dog for the day, what do you want to do?” ” I have a great idea,” she responded. ” Lets just relax on the couch, watch some movies and I will scratch you belly and give you a treat.” ” Now that sounds wonderful!” I replied while we got cozy and relaxed.


1 thought on “Honoring Mother’s”

  1. connie siegle

    Grover, Too Cute ,,,,,,,we all have our places in life, don’t we ? Perspective is the key word here and I just love it. connie

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