When Problems Become Opportunities

The Memorial Day weekend was busy, but we didn’t forget to take the opportunity to be thankful for all the veterans. Doc placed a picture of her dad in his army uniform where everyone in the family could see it when they came over for a cook out. This gave everyone a chance to share some memories to pass on to the little ones in the family that never knew their great-grandfather. Family stories are important.

No family is perfect and at times there are difficulties that face one member or the whole family, even Doc’s. That also becomes part of the families story. Doc says that difficulties can be opportunities to build strength and growth. During difficult times you hope that families can get closer and depend on each other, but sadly that doesn’t always happen for everyone and they need to look outside the family for support. Sometimes a new support system can be an opportunity for growth as well.

Then there are those humans that don’t want the opportunity to get stronger because that means that the situation needs to change and you have choices to make. You can either get stuck in fear or tap into your strength and muster up your courage to change. Albert Einstein once said that ” opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Any kind of change is work, believe me I know because Doc is always trying to get me to modify my behaviors and I don’t like that at all but I trust that she has my best interests at heart.

I guess its all the way you look at your life’s path and what decisions you are willing to make to either move forward or stay stuck when a problem arises. Blaming your problems on others never helps, you have to take responsibility for your own choices. So what problem are you facing right now that you can turn into an opportunity?

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