Oh Baby!

Photo by Angela Kirk

Last Saturday I got a nice surprise when I finally got to meet the new baby in our family. Baby Abraham is now 3 months old and already I love everything about him. Like Doc always says, ” There is nothing like a new baby in the family.”

Abraham showed up five weeks before he was due which tells me he was just extra excited to see all of us and the world. Born during the height of the pandemic, he is now thriving, happy and getting nice and chubby. When his mama put him down so I could be near him, I gave him lots of kisses and put my head in his lap so he would feel safe. He’s still so tiny compared to me I knew I needed to be extra gentle.

There is something so wonderful about a new life. It’s a reminder to us all that no matter what is happening in the world that life goes on. ” Each time a baby is born there is a possibility of reprieve. Each child is a new being, a potential prophet, a new spiritual prince, a new spark of light precipitated into the outer darkness.” R.D. Laing

3 thoughts on “Oh Baby!”

  1. Dear Grover,
    Wonderful picture of you and the baby ,,,, I have a feeling that you would take real good care of a little one, smiles

  2. Abraham is Beautiful Grover, so glad he is safe and healthy, glad you are better also! Enjoy your new family member! Take care,

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